Beauty & the Beast
A 3 Chapter Online Journey to Unite Your Inner Feminine & Masculine in Your Kundalini Process & Relish in the BLISS of Having Your Own Back No Matter What
Available On Demand

A tale as old as time… but with a Kundalini Shakti twist.
Through fairytale storytelling teaching transmissions, embodied coaching, Kundalini Codes Yoga & Embodiment (KCE) & Kundalini Codes Activation (KCA), the deepening to dissolve duality in your Kundalini process is here.
The union of your inner Feminine & Masculine.
The dance of Shakti & Shiva.
The flow of Yin & Yang.
The love story of Beauty & the Beast that ends the fight within and takes you into a love affair of a lifetime with yourself & the Divine.
Play this Playlist Before Reading Below
Once upon a time,
there was a Prince who was the epitome of Love, Consciousness & Presence
He was a beaming beacon of Light, joy and peace to the world from the moment he was born.
However as he grew up, the lack of love in his environment slowly ate away at him.
His family was cruel and hurtful, always full of shaming judgments laced with conditional love.
His Lands and castle came under attack by pain, violence and loss, which broke his heart again and again.
Before long, he learned, “To stay safe in this world, I MUST PROTECT MYSELF AND MY HEART AT ALL COSTS.”
And so he boarded up his heart in closure, became harsh & cold to the people in his castle and lashed out with rage at any first signs of threat.
One stormy night where the sky split open in tears and the trees shook from thunder, a knock came at his door.
Upon opening, he was faced with a ragged old lady who asked
"Please sir, it is dark and stormy outside. Can you please let me in to stay the night? I have a red rose as a gift for you!"
He sneered at her dishevelled appearance and bellowed,
"NO you old hag. You are not welcome here, you must leave at once!"
The old lady warned him, “Do not be deceived by appearances, for BEAUTY is found within.”
All of a sudden, glitter and light glistened from the old lady’s dress as she rose up and transformed into a beautiful and magnificent Goddess before his eyes.
Having seen that the Prince held no love in his heart, the Goddess waved her wand to turn him into a BEAST that mirrored the darkness within him.
And she casted a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there, concealing their TRUE NATURE from the world.
Lifting the red rose he had tossed onto the ground with her wand, the Goddess revealed the enchanted nature of the rose and placed it in a glass dome.
She said to the beast,
"This is your opportunity to Remember Love within your heart. Before the last rose petal falls, if you can learn to LOVE & be LOVED unconditionally, the spell will break. If not, you will remain a beast forever."
And then she disappeared, just as swiftly and abruptly as she had appeared at the door.
The Prince was aghast by his new beastly form. Taking the rose in the glass dome, he ran towards his West Wing and angrily locked himself up in there.
Hope was lost within him. He did not believe in love. Has never known it. Will never know it. ...Or so he thought...

An embodiment of the Divine Mother’s Grace.
Kindness, unconditional love, beauty and creative joy he had long forgotten, but somehow, still LIVED within his heart and called out to him.
The presence of the Divine Feminine’s unconditional love wrapped him in all of his humanity, imperfections and faults.
Reminding him that he is Divine and loved no matter what.
And as he gradually & FINALLY feels through his sacred rage to the core of his pains, softens his protection mechanisms, and opens his heart.
Something wakes up inside him.
Something there that wasn't there before.
And new relationship of LOVE between the Beauty & the Beast was born. One where the inner Masculine & Feminine within arises into their Divine essence.
That transforms our habitual tendencies of…
Forcing ourselves to “work hard”, “produce”, “achieve” & “get results” at the expense of our bodies, well-being & relationships to PROVE how worthy of love we are
Logically thinking, planning and mapping out every step of what to do next in our businesses, careers and relationships… to the point where we get tension headaches just from thinking too much.
Needing to control everything in our lives, down to the second of when we wake up and drink coffee and drowning under the endless lists of to-dos & calendar events.
Being harsh, critical and mean when we make mistakes, are unsure of where we are headed in life and aren’t making enough money to show for ourselves.
Diminishing what we have moved through and done and constantly feeling like we are not good enough
Abandoning ourselves in the face of others being hurtful and leaving us, saying to ourselves, “See! They are right about you. You are unlovable.”
Trading the joyous, playful, FUN & expressive parts of ourselves for a stern, rigid and reserved facade, because we think “I must be all put together & serious.”
Looking left and right at where our peers and friends are in their businesses, careers, families, health and life experiences and feeling the pressure to compete & outdo them.
Becoming so overtaken by our fear, sadness and frustration that we check out, numb with our phones and push away what we are here to do in this lifetime
Feeling paralyzed in moving forward in action when we feel disappointed and scared of being hurt and then making ourselves wrong for that.
You have this deep trust that you’ve got your own back, no matter what. No matter who judges you on the Internet. No matter how much money you have in your bank account. No matter how painful your last conversation with your parents were. No matter how lost you feel. There’s this resounding faith in yourself, how the Divine has got you and you’re able to feel through the difficult sadness and hurt without making yourself wrong for it. Regardless of what happens externally, you know how to hold space for your pain and whisper to yourself while feeling a full body resonance of Truth, “I love you. I’ve got you. We will get through this.”
You create in your life’s work with so much LOVE, JOY and PASSION & hundreds and thousands of people are impacted by your creations and service. You effortlessly dance between receiving an idea that lights you up to bringing it to life through concrete and dedicated action. Your inner Masculine and Feminine feel like the ultimate partners in Divine. You create to GIVE & be of service as you no longer have to prove your worthiness of love. You know you are LOVE.
You let your friends, family and your online community finally SEE WHO YOU ARE & HEAR WHAT YOU STAND FOR. Your let your wildness out in your booty shaking dance parties and you say what you believe in no longer letting the fear of others misunderstanding you hold you back. There’s a lightness and playfulness to your being as you fully embrace all of your beautiful humanity… the fears, flaws, failures and “foolish” decisions.
You honour the sacredness of your RAGE and whenever life does chuck you enough lemons to really PISS YOU OFF, you can create the container to REVEAL your sacred rage instead of bottling it up. Frustration, anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and all the other flavours of emotions are transformed through you by your open-hearted feeling. And both your inner Masculine & Feminine are OH SO HAPPY they get to dance together in your emotional expression instead of fighting each other on top of it.
You really don’t overthink all too much anymore. Your realize that your mind is at the service of your heart and instead of figuring out every next step, you know how to come back to your heart and trust in what the Divine is moving you to create, do and share. You know there’s no need to compare yourself to others because each person’s life is a unique and exquisite masterpiece of the Divine. And you feel truly grateful and in awe just to be ALIVE, BREATHING and capable of creating a difference in your life and the lives of others everyday.
These are the sweet treats we get to taste in our every day when we devote to healing the relationship between our Inner Feminine & Masculine for the love affair of a lifetime within.
And this is exactly what we will journey into within
Beauty & the Beast
Welcome to the Journey
A 3 Chapter Mind, Body & Spirit Immersion for Activating Your Prana-Shakti Kundalini Life Force & Creating a Relationship of Love & Trust Between Your Inner Feminine & Masculine
There are 3 chapters of exploration
where we will journey in 3 ways of working with the Divine Mother & Kundalini Shakti:
Storytelling Teaching Transmissions & Coaching
Kundalini Codes Yoga & Embodiment (KCE)
Kundalini Codes Activation (KCA)
Together, we will prepare your mind & body for accelerating your Kundalini process by amplifying Prana-Shakti through self-led practices & surrender-based activations. We invite in the Grace of the Divine Mother to guide us in transforming the relationship between our inner Feminine and Masculine into one of mutual love, trust, respect & “I’ve got your back no matter what!”
3 Chapters of Exploration
Chapter 1:
VenturingInto the West Wing
We know that in our dear Beast Prince’s castle, the West Wing is forbidden. It is one of the first places that Belle was made aware she was the most UNWELCOME in.
The West Wing in our minds, hearts and bodies is the repressed parts of our shadows, darkness and pain.
It is where our SACRED RAGE bubbles alongside the torn up curtains and ripped portraits.
A place where we have kept locked away from LOVE, and the open-hearted willingness to FEEL all the ways in which we have been hurt, made wrong, shamed, abandoned and neglected.
The West Wing is where so many layers of our Mother and Father wounds lie. Our parental figures and primary caregivers are the main sources where we learned how to model the relationship of our inner Feminine and Masculine from.
In this first chapter we will venture into the West Wing with the unwavering and unconditional love of the Divine Mother by our side.
We will reflect upon what has happened in our lives, especially in our childhood in relationship with our parents and primary caregivers that shaped our inner Feminine & Masculine relationship. Honouring ALL the parts of us that have felt hurt, abandoned and pained and have since upkept the wounded Masculine essence within us, we will shower these parts with validation, love, witnessing and care so that in their own timing, they learn it is SAFE to soften, open, feel and trust again.
This is what creates the space for our Inner Feminine to breathe, light up and dance in our lives.

Chapter 2:
Something There That Wasn’t There Before
From the moment that the Beast rescues Belle from the pack of wolves when she tried to escape, something there that wasn’t there before begins to blossom between the two of them.
Belle sees that although the Beast was cruel, cold and harsh, he had the deepest intention to protect her and keep her safe.
And this is also where our inner Feminine has the awakening that although the inner Masculine may have been critical, mean, beastly and terrifying… the core intention was always to PROTECT from pain and harm.
As our inner Feminine softens with this discovery, there is more compassion for when our inner Masculine does lash out. And vice versa. Instead of abandoning, there is communication, inner dialogue and the mending of relational ruptures every time.
In this second chapter, we surrender into the DANCE of LOVE between our inner Feminine and inner Masculine. This dance of love is not without misunderstanding, frustration, annoyed eye rolls every now and then and a handful of tantrums that end with a door slammed. However, what is here now that wasn’t there before, is a RELATIONSHIP of LOVE where despite differences and head butting, the inner Feminine and Masculine come back together to find solutions of BOTH/AND instead of defaulting to EITHER/ORs.
Something there that wasn’t there before… is also the opening into a non-dual experience of life where the Feminine and Masculine are embraced instead of attaching to one and rejecting another.
Chapter 3:
From Beast to Prince Through the Power of Love
In the nick of time, Belle rushes back to the castle into the arms of her dying Beast Prince. The moment she whispers, “I love you!”, as the last rose petal falls… streaks of light shoot up from all around her and the Beast as all the red rose petals surround them like a tornado of LOVE.
With the shimmering pixie dust and light, the Beast transforms into the Prince. The wounded Masculine transforms back into the Divine Masculine.
And the union of the inner Divine Feminine and Masculine is celebrated.
In this final chapter, we will explore how to deepen the DEVOTION OF LOVE between our Inner Feminine and Masculine in the embodiment of what I call, “I’ve got your back no matter what.” Regardless of what challenges, pains, trials and tests that arise in life, we will anchor in what it gets to look like when your inner Masculine has your inner Feminine’s back no matter what and when your inner Feminine has your inner Masculine’s back no matter what.
This having your back no matter what is how unconditional love is lived into in our every day. This is what sets us FREE in this inner relationship between our Feminine and Masculine.
Esoterically, this is where all parts of us can get on board with handing everything over from “my will to thy will” and eventually dissolving back into Oneness with the Divine.
Practically, this is where we stop making ourselves wrong for being human, fighting how we feel and what we’ve done or not done. We honour and love our BEST in each moment and create the space for our best to keep evolving.
This is where our Divine Masculine & Feminine dances in ecstatic co-creation in our masterpiece of a life.

Every Chapter Includes...
1 x Pre-Recorded Teaching Transmission & KCE Practice (2 Hours) with a Guided Workbook
1 x Pre-Recorded Journey & Cosmic Rose Honey Meditation (2 Hours)
1 x Pre-Recorded Group Coaching & Integration Call (1 Hour)
Join Beauty & the Beast
Join the Kundalini Temple 6 Month Membership & Receive Beauty & the Beast Included
$99 USD/ month for 6 months
This gives you access to Beauty & the Beast replays for the duration of your membership.
It also includes access to…
2 X KCA online group journeys each month
1 X monthly group coaching call
the Awakening Sleeping Beauty pre-recorded program
a library of 15 portals of content with 200+ trainings & practices
any new experiences launched during your 6 month membership (pssst The Little Mermaid program all about reclaiming your voice is coming November 2024 😉🧜🏽♀️)
& a loving community to walk with on your Kundalini journey
Looking forward to co-creating together!
xx Ella
Peek into Client Experiences

A Few Key Notes
1) A Kundalini Awakening is not just a one time event that permanently takes away all your problems. It is an accelerated path to healing and a rewarding life-long journey that deepens without a “destination”. This experience is NOT for giving you an “instant full Kundalini awakening”. I don’t believe that exists. This program is about cultivating the mind, body & heart foundations for your Kundalini Shakti to open in Her Divine timing & to nurture your connection with Her as the Divine Mother. If you already have active Kundalini, you will further develop your vessel to hold & facilitate the movement of Kundalini, learn how to surrender through the challenges on the Kundalini path & deepen your embodiment of love in your every day.
2) In KCA Journeys, we are working specifically with a resonance of Prana-Shakti / Prana-Kundalini frequency which enhances the flow of your body’s existing life force. Prana is the vital force manifestation of Kundalini & the vehicle through which Kundalini’s dynamic consciousness travels within the body. KCA Journeys are not focused on awakening Kundalini in a single session, but rather clearing the energetic pathways & activating the unique CODES for your Kundalini Shakti to activate & move in Her Divine timing.
3) The best way to approach journeying with Kundalini is through openness, curiosity, & faith. The Divine Mother intelligence is wise beyond anything our minds can fathom. If you feel called to join, there are gifts awaiting for you here that will be more easily received with openness rather than specific expectations.
Meet Ella

Hello my love! I am soul honoured to be your guide on this fairytale Kundalini adventure!
It’s been 6 years since Kundalini Shakti found me & whisked me away on a beautiful AND painful AF journey of coming Home to myself & to the Divine Mother. It all started with seeing signs of “Kundalini” everywhere I went – leading me to my first Kundalini Yoga class that had me melted in a puddle of tears. For the first time ever, I felt a sense of peace & homecoming that I’ve never felt in my entire life.
Since 2018, I’ve been practicing Kundalini Yoga & have since become a KRI Level One Kundalini Yoga Teacher, NLP Trainer & Kundalini Energy Activation Facilitator. I had an intense Kundalini awakening experience July 2020, which then guided me to receiving Kundalini energy transmissions & studying Kundalini energy & bodywork.
My path as a Kundalini Energy Activation Facilitator opened up when my Dad was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer May 2022. Out of pure LOVE to help him & complete Surrender to the Divine Mother, my Dad became the first person I ever held space for in a KCA session & witnessed a rapid Prana-Shakti opening with.
Today, I lead humbly as a servant to the Divine Mother, & am grateful to share Prana-Kundalini healing frequencies from both the Divine Mother Sophia Isis-Magdalene Rose Lineage and my ancestral Taoist Lineage.
My work is centered around guiding you back into SAFETY in your body, showing you how to develop loving relationships with all parts of yourself, teaching you how to become a heart-led facilitator of change & showing you how to lead yourself with open-hearted power through the trials of life.
… all through a trauma-informed lens of Kundalini activation, Kundalini Yoga & embodiment & somatic-based NLP coaching
I’m SO EXCITED to be on the Beauty & the Beast adventure with you!
Curious about the right & left hand paths to Kundalini activation?
The Right Hand Path
involves Kundalini kriyas & pranayama (physical practice & breathwork) to strengthen the nervous system & initiate the body’s natural clearing process for Kundalini energy to move. Kundalini Codes Embodiment (KCE) is a blend of traditional Kundalini Yoga kriya practices, breathwork, mantra & intuitive movement to lead the mind, body & spirit into a ceremonial healing journey.
Intentional music plays a huge role in activating dormant emotions & stimulating cathartic releases & transformation.
* Here’s a 13 minute practice for a taste of Kundalini Codes Embodiment! *
is Kundalini Energy Activation. This is built upon the Inner Dance by Pi Villaraza, & is a surrender-based practice to opening the Kundalini Prana-Shakti life force within. Using brain-wave shifting sound that induces a psychedelic state of consciousness & channelling a frequency of Kundalini & Light Language supported by the Isis-Magdalene Rose Lineage, we learn to self-activate our innate life-force & to hold this energy for others to open theirs.
This process facilitates profound emotional releases, expands one’s consciousness, opens the heart & catalyzes a deep nervous system rewiring to shed old patterns & stories.
In this interview I did, I share about the weaving of the Right & Left hand paths & how specifically Kundalini Energy Activations work.
Testimonials from Beautiful Souls I've Walked With
Tune into some feedback from the lovely humans I’ve had the honour of walking with on the Kundalini path in the KCA Facilitator Training, in the Kundalini Temple & in KCA Journeys

Read This Blog from Laura Lee Peters
Laura Lee Peters (Lau 💖) attended 2 in-person KCA journeys in Montréal & was so transformed by her experience that she wrote a whole blog post detailing what she felt, how her body responded & what came through in each session. Read through her amazing story recounting what can happen in a Kundalini Codes Activation Journey !
Check Out Other Client Testimonials
Read & listen to what clients who have experienced Kundalini Codes Activation have to share about their journeys!