February 13, 2025

55% of every ticket sold will be donated to families impacted by the L.A. fires & supporting them to rebuild their homes & lives ❤️
You’ve tried pretty much everything that promised you a sense of fullness.
Accomplishing goals.
Making more money.
Getting the dream job & the “perfect” relationship.
Binge reading every self-help book to “fix” yourself and become better
Travelling to the most exotic places to EAT, PRAY, LOVE.
Yet… the gaping inner hole remains and you’re left feeling exhausted and empty.
An itching knowing that there’s got to be more than just HAVING MORE because it’s been giving you holeness instead of wholeness.
You're ready to taste something different
Deep in Your Heart, You Desire...
😍 Waking up with a fiery sense of purpose, feeling SOUL-EXCITED to create, express, and be of service. Whether you’re writing content, facilitating life-changing experiences, or simply showing up for others, you’re not driven by likes, comments, or sales. Instead, you feel BLISSFUL, COMPLETE, and EXPANDED simply by letting the Divine Creative Force move through you. Your fulfillment comes from the sacred act of creation itself—alive, free & FUN!
✨ Moving through your day without being trapped in the broken loop of self-doubt: “You’re not good enough.” / “This won’t work out.” / “People won’t like you.” / “You’re going to fail.” You long to hold loving space for yourself in those paralyzing moments—when fear quickens your heartbeat and steals your breath. Instead of giving up on your dreams, you know how to DANCE with your scared parts, offering them love instead of judgment, and keep creating, keep showing up, no matter what.

🌬️ Having your breath taken away by the smallest, most sacred moments. When sunlight streams through your window and kisses your skin. When a midday stroll feels like the trees are waving just for you. When the scent of fresh roses outside a florist whispers, “Hello.”
You crave to be FILLED by these simple pleasures, to feel nourished by life itself. Not as a distraction from your desires, but as the very rhythm that makes co-creation feel joyful, effortless, and rich. No more chasing dangling carrots to be full & just savoring every bite of the journey.
🍩 Feeling an unshakable sense of WHOLENESS, no matter what’s happening around you. You’re not grasping for validation, approval, or external proof that you’re “enough”—because you already feel it deep in your bones. You desire to walk into any room, relationship, or opportunity with a quiet yet palpable confidence that says, “I belong here,” without needing to perform, perfect, or prove. You are your own safe haven, rooted in self-love so deep that life’s ups and downs are just songs you dance to.
🪩 Flowing through each day with the sweet and serene feeling that life is on your side. You don’t need to hustle, force, or chase to make things happen because you’re in FLOW—aligned with the natural rhythm of your soul’s desires. You can FEEL the Divine singing to you through every conversation you have & *random* idea that drops into your mind. You trust life so deeply that even setbacks become just songs the Divine plays for you to make you a better dance in life. Your decisions feel clear, your actions feel inspired, and your path unfolds with grace. You deeply believe life is conspiring to support you.

We're So Here for the Yum!
Did you realize...
"HOLE" & "WHOLE" are just ONE letter apart... "W" 👀
This epiphany rained on me like a million rainbow sprinkles one evening in October 2024 🍩
“What could the W represent?” I wondered…
Then all of a sudden, my awareness became sweetly GLAZED by the 5 Ws that bring us from feeling an inner HOLE to becoming WHOLE again!
5 aspects of BEING that transforms our previously externally-oriented flow of energy around feeling fullness, into an internally-oriented & self-sustaining flow that makes inner WHOLENESS our every day norm, much like the Torus field 😉
Yes… did you know the Torus field is basically… ONE.GIANT.DONUT?! 🍩
We source our fullness by witnessing & welcoming all parts of ourselves.
Then through wish, wonder & Wu Wei which is the Taoist principle for surrendering to the flow of life... wholeness emerges
Because our experience of life gets to be sweet even when we can't control what happens outside . The way we do that is by tasting the 5 Ws in each moment
Welcome to Becoming Whole Again
A 3 Hour Online Teaching & Kundalini Activation Ceremony to Taste the 5 Ws that Take You From Feeling an Inner Hole to Being WHOLE Again 🍩🤤🌹 PLUS a 7 Day Telegram Extravaganza Portal to Make Fullness Your Natural Sweet State
On February 13, 2025 at 1 PM EST, right before the infamous DAY OF LOVE of Valentine’s Day, we will gather together to offer ourselves the greatest gift of LOVE 💝 A feeling of wholeness, fullness & being complete that is no longer contingent on what happens or doesn’t happen on the outside.
In the LIVE teaching & Kundalini Activation ceremony on Zoom…
we will take a bite into the 5 Ws of WITNESS, WELCOME, WISH, WONDER & WU WEI & explore how they weave together to make us feel WHOLE in our every day, while still moving us towards what we desire in life through a magnified Torus Field 🍩
We will welcome in the Grace of the Divine Mother to dance our hearts open & show us how to taste the sweetness in this present moment
Honouring how our inner void, emptiness & hole may have served us up until now in our lives.
And deciding…
“Wholeness is my sweet natural state I am RECLAIMING!”
We will then bring this into daily embodiment through a 7 day Telegram portal with additional voice note & written transmissions & COMMUNITY SUPPORT 💖

A 3 Part Sweet Experience
Part #1 The Donut Base
A 60 Minute Teaching Transmission on the 5 Ws that Take Us from Feeling an Inner Hole to Becoming Whole Again
Nibble on your donut and sip your Earl Grey tea as we dive into the foundations of the 5 Ws of witness, welcome, wish, wonder and Wu Wei & get practical about how you can start integrating these Ws into your life right away to feel more complete without anything on the outside needing to be different. This will radically transform how you see each moment and manifestation and actually help you create more of what your heart’s desires without your sense of wholeness being linked to it. We will make your life as it is in each moment become delicious & yummy so that anything else you receive are the sprinkles on top!
Through artful metaphors, storytelling & embodiment practices you can integrate in your every day, you will walk away with TANGIBLE ways of welcoming the parts of yourself you’ve pushed away & surrendering into the sweetness of life NOW.
Part #2 The Soft Glaze
A 75 Minute Kundalini Codes Activation (KCA) Journey to Be Coated by Divine Grace
We then lie down in a comfortable space and Surrender in a Kundalini Codes Activation (KCA) Journey to profoundly SOFTEN & BE COATED by the Divine Mother’s Sweet Grace. Conditions are created to amplify your innate Prana-Kundalini life-force energy which helps fragmented parts move & sing again, repressed traumas unwind through an inner dance, Divine Love be felt through the body and the inner wholeness that has ALWAYS BEEN THERE be felt & known in th body again.
You will be immersed in an intensified Divine Mother Shakti field so that you can have a direct experience of Divine Grace coating you like yummy donut glaze and guiding you to soften, feel & BECOME WHOLE AGAIN.
Part #3 The Sprinkles:
A 7 Day Telegram Extravaganza Portal with Additional Prompts & Voice Transmissions Showing You How to Embody the 5 Ws in Your Every Day
The sprinkles on top happen after our live 3 hour online experience. For 7 days after from February 14- February 21, 2025, we will continue the SWEETNESS EXTRAVAGANZA inside of a private Telegram group where additional yummy voicenote & written transmissions are dropped for each of the 5 Ws.
You will be given SPECIFIC WAYS on how you can practice embodying the 5 Ws throughout the week and for the rest of your life.
This will also be a COMMUNITY space where we can all be witnessed and welcomed by each other as we say YES to our wishes & devote to living life in wonder & Wu Wei 💖
Join Becoming Whole Again 🍩
Investment: $55 USD
to join us for the LIVE experience of Becoming Whole Again on February 13, 2025 from 1-4 PM EST & the 7 day Telegram extravaganza from February 14 – 21, 2025. Get lifetime access to the content after.
55% of your investment will be donated to families impacted by the L.A. fires to support them in rebuilding their homes and their lives 💗

Join the Kundalini Temple & Get Becoming Whole Again Included
If you’re ready to go DEEP & DEVOTE to your Kundalini awakening and healing journey, join us inside the the Kundalini Temple membership at $99 USD/ month for 6 months, & you will get Becoming Whole Again included! 🐍
In the Kundalini Temple, you receive access to…
a program portal with 180+ Kundalini Yoga & Embodiment Practices & teaching transmissions on embodying the Kundalini transformation in your every day
The Awakening Sleeping Beauty, Beauty & the Beast & Little Mermaid Kundalini fairytale programs
2 x online group KCA journeys each month
1 x group coaching & mentoring call to support your Kundalini and personal healing process
Surprise bonus Kundalini activation programs & workshops like THIS ONE 💖
Looking forward to co-creating & becoming WHOLE again with you!
xx Ella
When we WITNESS & WELCOME our inherent WHOLENESS, our whole experience of life changes.
A Few Key Notes
1) The Kundalini Awakening process is not just a one time event that permanently takes away all your problems. It is an accelerated path to healing and a rewarding life-long journey that deepens without a “destination”. This experience is NOT for giving you an “instant full Kundalini awakening”. This session is about cultivating the mind, body & heart foundations for your Kundalini Shakti to open in Her Divine timing & to nurture your connection with Her as the Divine Mother. So you can DANCE through all of life with Her. If you already have active Kundalini, you will further develop your vessel to hold the energy & learn how to deepen your surrender with love in your every day.
2) In KCA Journeys, we are working specifically with a resonance of Prana-Shakti / Prana-Kundalini frequency which enhances the flow of your body’s existing life force. Prana is the vital force manifestation of Kundalini & the vehicle through which Kundalini’s dynamic consciousness travels within the body. KCA Journeys are not focused on awakening Kundalini in a single session, but rather clearing the energetic pathways & activating the unique CODES for your Kundalini Shakti to activate & move in Her Divine timing.
3) The best way to approach journeying with Kundalini is through openness, curiosity, & faith. The Divine Mother intelligence is wise beyond anything our minds can fathom. If you feel called to join the retreat, there are gifts awaiting for you here that will be more easily received with openness rather than specific expectations.
Meet Ella Tsang

Hello my love! I am soul honoured to be your guide!
It’s been 6 years since Kundalini Shakti found me & whisked me away on a beautiful AND painful AF journey of coming Home to myself & to the Divine Mother. It all started with seeing signs of “Kundalini” everywhere I went – leading me to my first Kundalini Yoga class that had me melted in a puddle of tears. For the first time ever, I felt a sense of peace & homecoming that I’ve never felt in my entire life.
Since 2018, I’ve been practicing Kundalini Yoga & have since become a KRI Level One Kundalini Yoga Teacher, NLP Trainer & Kundalini Energy Activation Facilitator. I had an intense Kundalini awakening experience July 2020, which then guided me to receiving Kundalini energy transmissions & studying Kundalini energy & bodywork.
My path as a Kundalini Energy Activation Facilitator opened up when my Dad was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer May 2022. Out of pure LOVE to help him & complete Surrender to the Divine Mother, my Dad became the first person I ever held space for in a KCA session & witnessed a rapid Prana-Shakti amplification with.
Today, I lead humbly as a servant to the Divine Mother, & am grateful to share Prana-Kundalini healing frequencies from both the Divine Mother Sophia Isis-Magdalene Rose Lineage and my ancestral Taoist Lineage.
My work is centered around guiding you back into SAFETY in your body, showing you how to develop loving relationships with all parts of yourself, teaching you how to become a heart-led facilitator of change & showing you how to lead yourself with open-hearted power through the trials of life.
… all through a trauma-informed lens of Kundalini activation, Kundalini Yoga & embodiment & somatic-based coaching
Curious about the right & left hand paths to Kundalini activation?
The Right Hand Path
involves Kundalini kriyas & pranayama (physical practice & breathwork) to strengthen the nervous system & initiate the body’s natural clearing process for Kundalini energy to move. Kundalini Codes Embodiment (KCE) is a blend of traditional Kundalini Yoga kriya practices, breathwork, mantra & intuitive movement to lead the mind, body & spirit into a ceremonial healing journey.
Intentional music plays a huge role in activating dormant emotions & stimulating cathartic releases & transformation.
* Here’s a 13 minute practice for a taste of Kundalini Codes Embodiment! *
is Kundalini Energy Activation. This is built upon the Inner Dance by Pi Villaraza, & is a surrender-based practice to opening the Kundalini Prana-Shakti life force within. Using brain-wave shifting sound that induces a psychedelic state of consciousness & channelling a frequency of Kundalini & Light Language supported by the Isis-Magdalene Rose Lineage, we create the conditions to self-activate our innate life-force & cultivate the SPACE for Kundalini Shakti Grace to awaken inside us.
This process facilitates profound emotional releases, expands one’s consciousness, opens the heart & catalyzes a deep nervous system rewiring to shed old patterns & stories.
In this interview I did, I share about the weaving of the Right & Left hand paths & how specifically Kundalini Energy Activations work.
Testimonials from Beautiful Souls I've Walked With
Tune into some feedback from the lovely humans I’ve had the honour of walking with on the Kundalini path in the KCA Facilitator Training, in the Kundalini Temple & in KCA Journeys!

Read This Blog from Laura Lee Peters
Laura Lee Peters (Lau 💖) attended 2 in-person KCA journeys in Montréal & was so transformed by her experience that she wrote a whole blog post detailing what she felt, how her body responded & what came through in each session. Read through her amazing story recounting what can happen in a Kundalini Codes Activation Journey !
Check Out Other Client Testimonials
Read & listen to what clients who have experienced Kundalini Codes Activation have to share about their journeys!