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Kundalini Codes Activation (KCA) Testimonials

Read & listen to what beautiful souls have to share about their KCA experiences

Kundalini Codes Activations

 often leave us with many words. The journeys can be so multidimensional & even psychedelic-like in nature that it feels like we’ve been to a whole other realm. 

Tune into these beautiful testimonial shares from clients who have experienced KCA in-person & online to get a taste of what the journey can entail.

And as we always say… we toss the expectations out the window & Surrender to what the Divine Kundalini energy has in store for us 😉

Read This KCA Review from Laura Lee Peters

Laura Lee Peters (Lau 💖) attended 2 in-person KCA journeys in Montréal & was so transformed by her experience that she wrote a whole blog post detailing what she felt, how her body responded & what came through in each session. Read through her amazing story & review recounting what can happen in a Kundalini Codes Activation Journey !

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