Little Mermaid
A 3 Chapter Online Kundalini Adventure to Reclaim Your Voice & Sing Your Songs of Truth & Transformation into the World

Take a dive into the deep waters where treasures, sea monsters & siren songs lie.
Through fairytale storytelling teaching transmissions, embodied coaching, Kundalini Codes Yoga & Embodiment (KCE) & Kundalini Codes Activation (KCA), the reclamation of your voice to share your unique SONGS OF TRANSFORMATION into the world is here.
Together we will…
Uncover your original wounds of being unheard
Reveal where you’ve bargained away your voice for the illusion of LOVE
Unmask Ursula & the sea monsters lurking in your subconscious whispering, “Stay small and quiet!”
Submerge into a deeper love affair of a lifetime with yourself & brilliantly SING YOUR TRUTHS to free yourself, & all those who are meant to hear your songs!
Your voice has always been the medicine. It’s time we let it be heard.
Play this Playlist Before Reading Below
Once upon a time,
deep in the sea, there was a little mermaid with a beautiful voice & a grand vision for what's possible in the world: UNITY
She was curious, adventurous and LOVED singing songs where she imagined possibilities of UNITY, between the sea & the human worlds
Out of all her sisters, she was different and that made her often misunderstood.
Seen as both “too much” & “not enough”.
Too rebellious.
Too bold.
Too wild.
Not content enough.
Not responsible enough.
Not orderly enough.
Whenever she tried to share her visions of what’s possible and sing her songs of LOVE for the human world, her father King Triton would say, “That’s enough! Stop dreaming about this. We will never intermix with the humans!”
But that of course, was never enough to stop the little mermaid.
She explored sunken ships,
collecting & LOVING everything she found about the human world
One day, her curiosity brought her to the ocean’s surface, where she peered into the side of a boat where sailors were dancing and having fun.
The instant her eyes caught that of the Prince, her heart stopped.
AH… the feeling of LOVE washed over her.
The possibility of being LOVED– that’s what he represented.
As the clouds gathered overhead and a large storm hit the seas, the boat was wrecked in the tumultuous waves.
The Little Mermaid swam as quickly as she could, rescuing the Prince to shore before he drowned.
As she hovered over him, she sang her favourite song
A melody that was anchored to LOVE
As people neared, the Little Mermaid swiftly swam back into the sea.
But that’s all it took for her to have a TASTE OF LOVE, one that left her yearning for more.
And so she went back under the sea, mesmerized by her encounter with the human world and officially, IN LOVE.
When King Triton found out that she had gone out to the surface, he was enraged.
Finding Little Mermaid's treasure cave,
he destroyed everything in front of her bellowing, "If this is the ONLY WAY I can get through to you, so be IT!"
The Little Mermaid was heartbroken. She sobbed with closed palms over her face, her whole body shaking.
All of a sudden, the shadows of two moray eels floated above her.
Two eerie voices sneered in unison,
“Why don’t be sad child. There’s a way you can get the LOVE you want. Ursula has just the offer to help you!”
Both desperate and feeling angry at her father, the Little Mermaid followed the two spooky eels to the cave of the dreaded and dark sea witch, Ursula.
"I'll make you a deal sweet child. I'll turn you into a human with legs for 3 days. If you can get the LOVE that you want in form of a True Love's kiss, then you stay human. If not, you become MINE! The thing is, you will have to trade your VOICE for these legs and a CHANCE at getting the LOVE you want."
Ursula snickers
Seemingly without another choice,
Little Mermaid signs her name on the agreement, giving away HER PRECIOUS VOICE in an illusion of possibly getting LOVE as an exchange.

Only to discover in the end...
the LOVE she was seeking for was inside her all along. In her voice. In her Truth. In who she is.
Where too have we traded our voices for a *seeming chance* of getting love?
And by getting love, I mean…
Wanting to be accepted by our friend circle.
Wanting Internet strangers to like us all the time.
Wanting our parents to finally give us the nod of the approval that we’re doing the “right” thing.
Wanting potential clients of our work to love us & say, “You’re the best!”
shushed yourself from SAYING OUT LOUD what you desire to do in this lifetime and going after it because you don’t want to be “too much“?
Where have you hidden the stories of your Kundalini & spiritual awakening journey so you avoid being looked as the “the weird one” in your friend circle & dodge the keyboard warriors & Internet trolls?
Where have you sold yourself out by biting your tongue about what you really believe in, your core values, what you think is MESSED UP happening in the world at family gatherings—just to keep the peace and avoid rocking the boat?
Where have you shrunk from boldly telling the world what you offer and owning how you can change someone’s life with your work out of a fear that “people might not like it”, OR worse, that you become the target for a modern-day witch hunt?
You’re DONE beating around the bush & playing small. You’re loud and clear about what you want out of this life, no sugarcoating, no hiding. “Too much?” YES you are & you LOVE that about yourself. You’re showing up as your whole self, owning your desires without flinching. You’ve realized the world is a brighter place when you are all of you, and you’re finally giving it exactly that.
You’re telling your stories in all their glory—the raw, beautiful, messy journey of falling apart, waking up, rising again and again & being taken on a wild DANCE by Kundalini Shakti. You’re not worried about being the “odd one” anymore. Instead, you’re using your journey to crack open real conversations. Friends, strangers, internet critics—they can think what they want. You’re here, sharing your truth, and creating COMMUNITY & CONNECTION because THAT’S what really matters to you
At the family dinner table, you’re finally saying what you believe. No more playing along or tiptoeing around to keep the peace. You’re standing up for what matters to you, and also doing so in a LOVING WAY where you honour others’ Truths as well. You’re just no longer down to second guess yourself and immediately make your perspective “wrong”, just because your family don’t see eye to eye with you.
You’re putting yourself out there, straight-up saying what you offer and how you help, no shrinking, no hiding & no pretending. You value what you have to offer because you’ve first hand seen how it’s transformed your own life & you OWN that as your Truth. Witch hunt? Whatever. EVEN IF you were to be killed again this lifetime for sharing your spiritual gifts… you’ve realized, “BISH will just be back here in another life doing it all over again in the name of the DIVINE! 😂”
On the soulcial media, you FINALLY post without overthinking every word & trying to please everyone. You realize that most of the things your mind tells you is “garbage”, are the greatest PEARLS OF WISDOM for your people. Your captions are raw and real, sharing personal stories of healing, mistakes, breakthroughs, and growth. AT LAST you’re OK with not being “polished & perfect” because you know people resonate with your realness. You are increasingly comfortable with being vulnerable, talking about the hard parts of the healing journey & also the FUN parts that you would’ve been previously afraid of being judged for. Yes you are FULL ON owning that Dragon Light Language coming out of your mouth & the ecstatic Divine dance parties in your living room!
All this happens not by seeking love outside or waiting to be "rescued""
This is what happens when we DEVOTE to bringing LOVE back to the parts of us that have lost connection to it through childhood trauma, past life wounds & ancestral pains. Seeing them, HEARING THEM, & LETTING THEM SPEAK!
And these are depths I want to dive into with you in
Little Mermaid
Welcome to the Journey
A 3 Chapter Mind, Body & Spirit Immersion for Amplifying Your Prana-Shakti Kundalini Life Force & Reclaiming Your Voice to Sing Your Songs of Transformation into the World
There are 3 chapters of exploration
where we will journey in 3 ways of working with the Divine Mother & Kundalini Shakti:
Storytelling Teaching Transmissions & Coaching
Kundalini Codes Yoga & Embodiment (KCE)
Kundalini Codes Activation (KCA)
Together, we will amplify our innate Prana-Shakti life force and bring it specifically into our Heart & Throat chakras to unlock a new layer of unconditional self-love and channel it through our voices & Truth expression.
Through FUN fairytale storytelling teachings, embodiment & voice reclamation practices & surrender-based activations, we swim into the ocean of the Divine Mother’s Grace and allow Shakti currents to move what needs to cleared from our vessels so that we can take back our voices from the inner Ursula and fully SING our unique songs of Truth & transformation into the world.
3 Chapters of Exploration
Chapter 1:
Diving into the Original Wounds of Being Unheard 🧜🏽♂️
Ariel’s decision to trade her voice with Ursula for legs was not a spontaneous move. It was a long time coming consequence after all the years of getting the eye rolls & “pffschs” from her father King Triton and her six older sisters every time she spoke about what she wanted.
Going through years of feeling unheard, like our needs and wants don’t matter & aren’t worthy of being acknowledged – especially by our primary caregivers like Mother and Father make us question, “Does my voice even matter?” And usually, the internal answer is “No.” And so we give it up, because, “what’s the point of even trying after I’ve tried all these years?”
In this first chapter, we will sift through the tangled seaweeds of our subconscious and face the King Triton in our own stories.
We will unravel what are the family expectations, societal rules and control we’ve learned that have constricted our voices. And also explore where have we felt the original wounds of being unheard so we can see, love and hear those parts of ourselves now.
As pains of the past live in our blood and bones, we’ll also connect with our Ancestors and understand where THEY too hold the wounds of being unheard or perhaps have been killed for speaking their Truth & being who they are.
It’s time we create a giant RIPPLE in listening to the parts within us and our lineages that have been silenced for YEARS & make the space for them to SPEAK.

Chapter 2:
The Illusion of Getting Love In Exchange for Your Voice 🎶
When Ariel signs her name on Ursula’s agreement and sings her voice away, she was clearly unaware of the ULTIMATE BAMBOOZLE Ursula had set up for her. The exchange for her voice and a CHANCE at getting the Prince to fall in love with her, was rigged from the get go. Even if Ariel were to get close to getting the True Love’s Kiss, Ursula’s eels would’ve tipped over the boat or she would’ve just showed up as an imposter to trick the Prince. There was never a real chance at winning in this deal.
The same goes for us when we sign and sing away our voices at the ILLUSION of getting love in return.
We THINK if we stay quiet about what we truly want,
we THINK if we just don’t talk about the change we stand for in this world and how we can serve others with our gifts,
we THINK if we just zipped our mouths at the family gathering when we’re being belittled once again
we THINK if we hide our real opinions about injustices happening all around…
we would get “LOVE”. But that will NEVER HAPPEN, because by giving away our voices we’ve already STOPPED LOVING OURSELVES. And even if someone gives us approval and seeming “love”, what does that matter in the long run if it is always conditional on something and someone outside of us, & given to a closed heart unable to fully RECEIVE IT?
In this chapter, we are going to venture in the dark and scary sea cave and meet with our inner Ursula(s) and sea monsters that have whispered to us all our lives, “Just be quiet. No one cares about you. Your voice doesn’t matter.” We will FIND the sea scrolls of the past deals we’ve made, burn the old and write new vows of unconditional love to ourselves that let us speak our Truths.
Chapter 3:
Singing Your Songs of Love & Transformation 🎤
Even as Ariel grabs the locket that stored her voice from Ursula’s neck and takes back her voice… the battle wasn’t fully over.
There was next a beautiful collaboration between her and the Prince, a symbolism of the dance between our inner Masculine & Feminine, in order to sink Ursula & sing their song of LOVE into the world.
In this final chapter, we will look at how to navigate the future moments where you are tempted to give up your voice again because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, you don’t want someone to be mean to you or you don’t feel like anyone’s listening!
You’ll learn how your inner Masculine can come in to have your inner Feminine’s back and how your inner Feminine can then sing her Truth fiercely.
We’ll clarify what is the song of transformation (aka your message) you’re here to share & chunk down the tangible next steps for you to SING THIS MESSAGE online and offline.
This is also where we will play with technical voice projection and expression practices so that when you SPEAK, people LISTEN.

The Experience Includes...
3 x Recorded Teaching Transmission & KCE Practice (2 Hours) with a Guided Workbook 🌊
3 x Recorded KCA Journey with Activation Codes Specific to Each Chapter (2 Hours) 🐍
3 x Recorded Group Coaching & Integration Call Replays on Reclaiming Your Voice & Speaking Your Truth (1.5 Hours) 📞
Join Little Mermaid 🐚
Join this pre-recorded 3 chapter experience:
$555 USD
This gives you access to the live experience of Little Mermaid & lifetime access to the program replays AND ALSO..

Join the Kundalini Temple 6 Month Membership & Receive Little Mermaid Included
$99 USD/ month for 6 months OR $495 USD pay in full & get your 6th month for FREE
This gives you access to the Little Mermaid live experience, Becoming the Pearl & replays for the duration of your membership.
It also includes access to…
2 X KCA online group journeys each month
1 X monthly group coaching call
the Awakening Sleeping Beauty pre-recorded program
the Beauty & the Beast pre-recorded program
a library of 15 portals of content with 200+ trainings, practices & past KCA journey replays
any new online Kundalini adventure programs launched during your 6 month membership
& a loving community via a private Telegram group to walk with on your Kundalini journey

Let’s swim into the deep unknown waters and get you SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH IN THE WORLD!
xx Ella
Peek into Client Experiences from Beauty & the Beast

Peek into Client Experiences from Awakening Sleeping Beauty

A Few Key Notes
1) A Kundalini Awakening is not just a one time event that permanently takes away all your problems. It is an accelerated path to healing and a rewarding life-long journey that deepens without a “destination”. This experience is NOT for giving you an “instant full Kundalini awakening”. I don’t believe that exists. This program is about cultivating the mind, body & heart foundations for your Kundalini Shakti to open in Her Divine timing & to work with this Divine Grace to open our hearts and throats. If you already have active Kundalini, you will further develop your vessel to hold & facilitate the movement of Kundalini, transform the traumas that have kept your heart closed and your throat blocked and become more solid in standing for and speaking your Truth
2) In KCA Journeys, we are working specifically with a resonance of Prana-Shakti / Prana-Kundalini frequency which enhances the flow of your body’s existing life force. Prana is the vital force manifestation of Kundalini & the vehicle through which Kundalini’s dynamic consciousness travels within the body. KCA Journeys are not focused on awakening Kundalini in a single session, but rather clearing the energetic pathways & activating the unique CODES for your Kundalini Shakti to activate & move in Her Divine timing.
3) The best way to approach journeying with Kundalini is through openness, curiosity, & faith. The Divine Mother intelligence is wise beyond anything our minds can fathom. If you feel called to join, there are gifts awaiting for you here that will be more easily received with openness rather than specific expectations.
Meet Ella

Hello my love! I am soul honoured to be your guide on this underwater fairytale Kundalini adventure!
It’s been 6 years since Kundalini Shakti found me & whisked me away on a beautiful AND painful AF journey of coming Home to myself & to the Divine Mother. It all started with seeing signs of “Kundalini” everywhere I went – leading me to my first Kundalini Yoga class that had me melted in a puddle of tears. For the first time ever, I felt a sense of peace & homecoming that I’ve never felt in my entire life.
Since 2018, I’ve been practicing Kundalini Yoga & have since become a KRI Level One Kundalini Yoga Teacher, NLP Trainer & Kundalini Energy Activation Facilitator. I had an intense Kundalini awakening experience July 2020, which then guided me to receiving Kundalini energy transmissions & studying Kundalini energy & bodywork.
My path as a Kundalini Energy Activation Facilitator opened up when my Dad was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer May 2022. Out of pure LOVE to help him & complete Surrender to the Divine Mother, my Dad became the first person I ever held space for in a KCA session & witnessed a rapid Prana-Shakti opening with.
Today, I lead humbly as a servant to the Divine Mother, & am grateful to share Prana-Kundalini healing frequencies from both the Divine Mother Sophia Isis-Magdalene Rose Lineage and my ancestral Taoist Lineage.
My work is centered around guiding you back into SAFETY in your body, showing you how to develop loving relationships with all parts of yourself, teaching you how to become a heart-led facilitator of change & showing you how to lead yourself & SPEAK YOUR TRUTH with open-hearted power through the trials of life.
… all through a trauma-informed lens of Kundalini activation, Kundalini Yoga & embodiment & somatic-based NLP coaching
I’m SO EXCITED to be on the Little Mermaid adventure with you!
Curious about the right & left hand paths to Kundalini activation?
The Right Hand Path
involves Kundalini kriyas & pranayama (physical practice & breathwork) to strengthen the nervous system & initiate the body’s natural clearing process for Kundalini energy to move. Kundalini Codes Embodiment (KCE) is a blend of traditional Kundalini Yoga kriya practices, breathwork, mantra & intuitive movement to lead the mind, body & spirit into a ceremonial healing journey.
Intentional music plays a huge role in activating dormant emotions & stimulating cathartic releases & transformation.
* Here’s a 13 minute practice for a taste of Kundalini Codes Embodiment! *
is Kundalini Energy Activation. This is built upon the Inner Dance by Pi Villaraza, & is a surrender-based practice to opening the Kundalini Prana-Shakti life force within. Using brain-wave shifting sound that induces a psychedelic state of consciousness & channelling a frequency of Kundalini & Light Language supported by the Isis-Magdalene Rose Lineage, we learn to self-activate our innate life-force & to hold this energy for others to open theirs.
This process facilitates profound emotional releases, expands one’s consciousness, opens the heart & catalyzes a deep nervous system rewiring to shed old patterns & stories.
In this interview I did, I share about the weaving of the Right & Left hand paths & how specifically Kundalini Energy Activations work.
Other Testimonials from Beautiful Souls I've Walked With
Tune into some feedback from the lovely humans I’ve had the honour of walking with on the Kundalini path in the KCA Facilitator Training, in the Kundalini Temple & in KCA Journeys

Read This Blog from Laura Lee Peters
Laura Lee Peters (Lau 💖) attended 2 in-person KCA journeys in Montréal & was so transformed by her experience that she wrote a whole blog post detailing what she felt, how her body responded & what came through in each session. Read through her amazing story recounting what can happen in a Kundalini Codes Activation Journey !
Check Out Other Client Testimonials
Read & listen to what clients who have experienced Kundalini Codes Activation have to share about their journeys!