Remember the Divine Dream You're a Part of & Activate Your Prana-Kundalini Life Force Energy 🐍🌹
Press Play 🎶
“I know you… I walked with you once upon a dream…”
Something inside you is Remembering.
Remembering there’s a higher reason why you’re here.
Remembering you are not alone in this wild ride called life.
Remembering there is a Divine force much greater than your mind guiding your every step.
Remembering this force is an unconditionally Loving presence that has LOVED YOU from day one.
Remembering YOU are the very dream of the Divine Mother, brought into existence 🐍
ONCE UPON A DREAM is the Prologue chapter to the Awakening Sleeping Beauty online Kundalini immersion experience held within the Kundalini Temple membership. It will give you a delicious taste of the transformative Kundalini embodiment & energy activation experiences held in the Kundalini Temple if you wish to come join a community that will elevate your Kundalini process 🤩
In this 2.5 hour+ experience, you’ll first be immersed in a powerful teaching transmission that helps you Remember the greater Divine Dream of the Mother that you’re a part of 😍 This will CHANGE HOW YOU SEE & LIVE your life as it is right now, without anything external being different.
Then, you’ll lay down in Surrender & be submerged into the Divine Mother Prana-Shakti field to activate your innate Prana-Shakti life-force to whatever degree it is ready for!
Step into the fairytale land of the Divine Mother & let us Remember together ❤️
Purchase the Transmission Replay for $33 USD

Experience Breakdown
The Opening
A Mini Storytelling Teaching Transmission on the Original Dream of the Mother
The Activation
A Kundalini Codes Activation Journey to Surrender & Reconnect with the Mother
The Integration
A Recap of the Live Participants’ Shares from their KCA Kourney