Submerge into the Waters of Your Subconscious & Uncover What Made You Give Up Your Voice to Begin With So You Can Finally Let Your Truth Out & Change Lives
Underneath the everyday noise of life—the squawking seagulls, the bumpy waves—lies a whole world of hidden desires, AND thoughts and stories that have kept you from stepping into what you’re truly here to share and say.
Get ready to dive deep! Take a big breath, slip on your fins, and join us UNDER THE SEA to uncover the treasures (and truths) waiting below. 🌊😉
This experience is for the spiritual seeker & heart-led healing facilitator who’s DONE with sitting on the sidelines and holding back. If you’ve ever toned down your voice, tucked away what your soul KNOWS you’re here to share, or traded pieces of yourself just for a nod of approval and you feel the call to LET THE TRUTH OUT, then this underwater PLAYground is for you.
The deep waters of our mind and soul can feel dark, cold, and a bit scary—full of fears and shadowy sea monster voices like, “No one cares what you have to say.” And yet, we also find our treasures in these depths.
In this FREE 3-hour fairytale-inspired Kundalini activation experience, we’re holding hands & diving deep TOGETHER to discover what’s beneath YOUR SEA:
Secret Treasures – The vision and desires you have to create real change in the world
Enemies– The specific inner dialogues that have kept you playing small
Allies – The friends and loving parts within you here to cheer you on and see you rise
When you find what’s beneath YOUR SEA & SEE them with LOVE, you’ll uncover the map to reclaiming your voice and singing your Songs of Truth, Love, and Transformation into the world.
UNDER THE SEA is the prologue to the Little Mermaid online Kundalini immersion within the Kundalini Temple membership. This experience will give you a taste of the powerful Kundalini activations and transformations that await in The Little Mermaid program.
Let’s dive deep, find your voice, and discover what magic lies under YOUR SEA! 🌊🐠🦀
Sign Up for Under the Sea 🌊
Our Ocean Adventure Map 🗺️
First Splash 💦: The Opening
A Mini Storytelling Teaching Transmission on uncovering your S.E.A. – secret treasures, enemies and allies on this journey of taking back your voice & speaking your Truth
Deep Dive 🪸 : The Activation
A Kundalini Codes Activation Journey to Find Safety in the Deep Waters of Your Being
Surfacing ⛴️: The Integration
An Integration & Q+A Circle after the KCA Journey
Feedback from Under the Sea 🐡

Feedback from Be Our Guest 🕯️

Feedback from Our Other Free Fairytale Kundalini Activation Experience Once Upon a Dream 💤