Come Be Our Guest in this Feast to Welcome the Divine Feminine Back into Our Bodies 🤤🌹
Tie your napkin ’round your neck, cherie 😉 It’s time to be served a delicious 3 course meal!
Come join this feast of welcome and celebration of the Divine Feminine’s Grace, back into the castle of our bodies.
We’ve been so used to being alone in the confines of our inner castle walls…
Frustrated, stressed, angry, anxious and overwhelmed…
Feeling we have the overdo, push, control and prove ourselves in order to be worthy of love.
Harsh and critical inner talk like “You’re not good enough”, “See you’re such a failure”, “No one’s going to love you” echoing through the hallways every day.
There is another way.
You are not broken. You are not wrong. You are not a beast.
You’ve simply forgotten the presence of an unconditionally loving Grace that has been yearning to awaken within.
And with this Divine Feminine presence comes 4 delicious facets of BEAUTY we get to welcome back into our embodied experience:
1. Unconditional Love & Compassion
2. Emotions, Chaos & Feeling
3. Void of the Unknown & Surrender
4. Creative Force of Expression
BE OUR GUEST is the Prologue chapter to the Beauty & the Beast online Kundalini immersion experience held within the Kundalini Temple membership.
It will give you a delicious taste of the transformative Kundalini embodiment & energy activation experiences we will deep dive into within Beauty & the Beast and the Kundalini Temple if you wish to come join a community that will elevate your Kundalini process 🤩
Join below & your $33 investment can be used as a credit to join the Kundalini Temple!
Join Be Our Guest for $33 USD
The Menu 😋
Hors d’oeuvres: The Opening
A Mini Storytelling Teaching Transmission on the 4 facets of the Divine Feminine we are welcoming back into our bodies
Plat Principal: The Activation
A Kundalini Codes Activation Journey to Awaken the Divine Feminine Essence
Dessert: The Integration
A Recap of the Live Participants’ Shares from their KCA Kourney
Feedback from Be Our Guest 🕯️

Feedback from Our Other Free Fairytale Kundalini Activation Experience Once Upon a Dream 💤